When considering purchasing a home in San Diego, the benefits of partnering with a professional real estate agent like Tom Lux of Whissel Realty are invaluable. Tom Lux brings a wealth of perks to his clients, enhancing their home buying experience significantly.

Moving Made Easy

One of the standout conveniences offered by Whissel Realty is the availability of moving trucks. With locations in Carlsbad, North Park, and La Mesa, a full-sized moving truck is accessible to clients at any stage of their move. These aren't just any trucks; they are equipped with ramps, dollies, and pads to protect your furniture, ensuring a professional-grade move. This service isn't limited to the day you move into your new home; it extends throughout your ownership. Whether it’s moving a new piece of furniture a year later or needing to haul items away, these trucks are available at your disposal.

Financial Benefits and Preferred Lender List

Tom Lux emphasizes financial benefits as part of his client services. Whissel Realty offers access to a preferred list of lenders who are experienced in handling diverse financial scenarios. This can lead to significant savings, such as covering the cost of home appraisals which can range from $400 to $1,000. This service not only reduces the financial burden on clients but also simplifies the process of securing a mortgage.

Choosing from a vetted list of lenders ensures that clients work with the most reliable professionals in the industry, who are proven to manage various challenges effectively. This integration of services simplifies the transaction process, making home buying less stressful and more cost-effective.

Why Choose Tom Lux?

Tom Lux’s approach goes beyond just professional obligations; he incorporates valuable perks that make the entire process of buying or selling a home more beneficial and enjoyable. His commitment to client satisfaction and his comprehensive service offering distinguishes him from other agents in the San Diego area.


The benefits of working with Tom Lux of Whissel Realty extend far beyond the standard services offered by real estate agents. From logistical support with moving trucks to financial advantages through preferred lenders and appraisal coverage, Tom ensures a comprehensive and satisfying home buying experience. His dedication to client care and satisfaction makes him a standout choice for anyone looking to buy or sell a home in San Diego.

Call today to speak with our team on how to take advantage of these awesome perks