The Holidays are here! San Diego Realtor Cody Stamm shares some of the ways you can give back this holiday season, to those who may have had a tough year.

Ways To Give Back This Holiday Season

It's official, the holiday season is finally here. This year, it's been a crazy year, but you know what? There's still a whole lot to be grateful for. For some families this year, it's been tougher than others. Personally, I feel like I've been very blessed, so this holiday season, I'm going to be doing my part in trying to give back to those who have had that tougher year.

And I'm going to provide you with some of the ways that I'm doing that in case that you feel like you want to give back, as well. I'm Cody Stamm with Whissel Realty Group. One of the ways that I'm helping give back this year is I'm organizing a food drive here in Santee. Every year there are families that need food during the holiday seasons, especially. So what I'm going to go ahead and do is I'm organizing a food drive in order to collect as much as I possibly can and I'm donating that to the Santee Food Bank.

Another way I'm deciding to give back this year is by organizing a clothing drive. Although it is San Diego, it does get pretty cold during the winter times, so it's really important that there are any extra jackets or pants, warm socks, even just clean clothes in general. People are very appreciative of that and you know it goes a long way. Lastly, if you don't have things to give, I'm sure you've got some time to give. All of these nonprofit organizations that are around San Diego that give back to either the homeless or just families in need could really use your help and I know that I'll be doing my part and also participating in some of those.

I'm Cody Stamm with Whissel Realty Group. Happy holidays and thanks for giving back.