Open for the past 5 years Helix Brewing Co. has been serving the La Mesa community, delivering a variety of beers packed full of flavor.

Kyle Whissel heads over to Helix Brewing Co. and Sourworx to talk with master brewer Cameron Ball about what goes into creating these outrageously good beers. As well as discuss how their massive outdoor patio area and partnering with local food trucks has been a great get away for people looking to get outside for a few hours.

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Beers on Tap @ Helix Brewing Co:


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Today on Everything East County we're going to mix it up a little bit literally, we're going to enjoy some delicious craft beer at Helix Brewing Company in Sourworx. East County San Diego has a lot to offer amazing food, a rich history, tons of community events and amazing people and organizations. I'm Kyle Whissel with Whissel Realty Group and this is Everything East County. All right, Cameron, I would love to shake your hand, but we're going to keep this COVID compliant with six feet apart. But we're here at Helix Brewing Company. Tell me a little bit about the brewery.

Helix open five years ago. We're located in La Mesa and we just serve craft beer here make everything onsite and just have a lot of fun doing it.

And then where exactly you guys at in La Mesa? Cause this is kind of a cool funky setup here.

Yeah, so we're located in the manufacturing area so right off Spring Street, just North of Spring Street and that kind of, you know, manufacturing area there.

Okay, sweet you. Well, I'm thirsty, dude.

It's hot out today.


I'm ready to drink some beers. So let's go in the brewery and let's check it out.

Let's do it.

Cool. Cameron, cheers my friend.

Cheers. So we're here in the brewery side. So tell me a little bit about some of these delicious beers. I know I've got an Electric Skies. What are you drinking over there?

[Cameron] Galaxy Rye IPA.

[Kyle] All right so tell me about what you've got while I enjoy sipping this one.

Yeah, so Galaxy Rye IPA is a beer that we've been making here for five years. It's a Rye IPA made with a Galaxy hops all the way from Australia. Comes in around 6.4% alcohol super tasty been here every day since opening day.

And that's one of your core beers.


What are some of the other core beers?

Some other core beers; we have active IPA, red inactive, King Rufus Porter. We try and keep a lot of those beers on tap.

And then with COVID going on right now obviously things are always changing, but you guys are open right now.

Correct yeah. So right now we can pour beer outside if you sit outside and you have to order food from our food trucks. So we have trucks that change every day. They are here all the time and you can come out here and chill outside grab some beers, grab some food and have fun here.

This is one of the cooler patios I've seen. I've been out to South Carolina and they have all these cool like alleyways and stuff and it reminds me of like one of these old East Coast Cities alleys and stuffs


Super cool.

Yeah, everybody loves just to chill here, you know, at night, you know, feels really good, you know, good breeze, good outdoor space to make everybody feel safe to.

Cool, and then you guys are doing some Sourworx so I'd love to go check those out too. Alright dude, so we're over on the other building Sourworx. Last time I was here this wasn't a part of the brewery so, what was the inspiration to add on to what you guys started with?

Yeah, so Sourworx started about two years ago. It was influenced by the art of fermentation. So over on Helix side, it's all, you know, different hops and such. Over here there's no hops use there's different yeast of that bacteria it's what blended in to make these taste. Those beers go into second use wine barrels and they age in there for one to three years.

And so this one I'm drinking, this is of the three year variety it's Walking Through Windows, so tell me about this one.

Correct yeah. So Walking Through Windows was one of our first ones ever brewed. It's a blend of six different wine barrels that was age for three years and over.

So does it go from one barrel then after a certain period of time goes to the next one, how does that work?

No, it's just a six different wine barrels that then goes into one big tank to get blended

All right Cameron, this has been a blast dude I hope you don't mind I'm going to go chill out on the patio for a bit.


Thanks dude. If you guys love delicious beer, especially if you do love a delicious sour, you guys need to come check it out Helix Brewing Company. Also sour works, this place is amazing and as you guys can see behind me, they got a lot of COVID compliance seating. So if you guys are looking for a fun place to come hang out, chill, enjoy some good drinks. You guys need to come check it out. Helix Brewing Company is phenomenal. I want to thank you guys so much for tuning into this episode of Everything East County. If you enjoyed it make sure to share it, like it, comment on it. Let's tell everybody about this awesome East County treasure.