Year-round sunshine in El Cajon is an everyday occurrence that people take advantage of. El Cajon homeowners are moving more toward solar energy, especially with the installation of solar panel roofing. El Cajon is part of California's solar incentives through rebates for homes using solar electric appliances and systems. A joint partnership between California and the federal government offers residential homes great rebates. The California Solar Initiative for solar incentives includes generous rebates for solar electric and solar hot water systems.

Solar Panel Homes in El Cajon CA

California Solar Partners:

California's Energy Commission has created the New Solar Homes Partnership initiative, which provides home owners financial incentives and installation support for new and existing homes. When combined with Federal solar rebates the incentives to install cost effective solar energy systems is an opportunity that El Cajon homeowners are taking advantage of.

Solar Efficiency for the Home:

A El Cajon residential solar energy system allows homeowners to generate most of their electrical energy for a whole year, just from installing solar panels onto their roofs. The use of solar energy saves residents from experiencing high energy bills. Solar power energy provides owners with a continual, fixed energy system and a utility cost that will not continually rise. Installing solar energy appliances, water heaters and roofs provides homeowners clean electricity for many years. Also, its energy efficient design will pay for itself typically within 7 – 10 years.

The clean energy design when homes use solar energy systems is dependable and renewable. When homes use solar energy, it is a savings to the whole community because the reduction on electricity demands allows more electricity for the entire grid. Solar energy provides a more comfortable environment and cooling interior environment with solar panels. Solar panels reduce the constant adjusting of the home's thermostat.

Solar Energy Home Options:

Going solar for the home is deciding which solar system options work best for you. Reducing your monthly energy bill can be achieved through using solar water heaters. Solar water heaters can reduce hot water bills by 50%. When homeowners use solar panels to reduce their dependence on traditional electrical use, even El Cajon utility companies rewards them with rebates. If your El Cajon home cannot accommodate solar panels, a backyard solar system is a better option. These backyard solar systems are routed into the ground and uses sun guided GPS technology to produce a more efficient cooling method and saves money.

Best Method for Solar Installation:

There are solar power energy kits that homeowners can purchase and through simple instructions and a little elbow grease, panels can be installed. But why go through all the trouble yourself when it is easier to get an installer to take the hassle out of a day's work. Using state-of-the-art technology they work to drive down costs for homeowners with their years of experience.

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